asbru-cm / asbru-cm

Ásbrú Connection Manager is a user interface that helps organizing remote terminal sessions and automating repetitive tasks.

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Use of '“' is deprecated as a string delimiter at /opt/asbru-cm/lib/asbru_conn line XXX

YahiaJr opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
After the latest update to the app and the perl libraries this message appears on every new session.
Use of '“' is deprecated as a string delimiter at /opt/asbru-cm/lib/asbru_conn line XXX

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. On Arch linux system do a regular update including asbru-cm-git and perl packages
  2. Start Asbru or restart it if you already opened it before the upgrade.

Expected behavior
not to see any message except for the default one.


Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch [Garuda Linux]
  • Ásbrú Version 6.3.4

Thanks for reporting @YahiaJr, and the fix @beliys, very much appreciated :) It has been applied to our "snapshots" and "loki" repositories.

When is the 6.3.4 supposed to be released with this fix please?

No defined plan for the release but you can use the "snapshot" repository...

@gfrenoy Right thanks.

ℹ️ For Archers, it means switching to the asbru-cm-loki-git AUR package.

The asbru-cm-loki-git version is older (6.3.2) in AUR package (year 2021).
It's better to wait for a stable 6.3.4 release.

Just install asbru-cm-git ( which installs the git version of the code.