asagi4 / comfyui-prompt-control

ComfyUI nodes for prompt editing and LoRA control

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[FR] Attention Interpolation

DrJKL opened this issue Β· comments

Describe what's missing
Basically, this:

Additional context
Not sure if there's a way to accomplish this using the existing interpolation feature.

I think you can sort of do this already if you combine the MUSimpleWildcard / Jinja nodes from my other repo to generate a [SEQ:...] element with changing weights, ie, you can generate a [SEQ:(a:0.1)(b:0.9):0.1:(a:0.2)(b:0.8):0.2:...] etc. The generated prompt will be long but I think it'll do about the same thing as prompt fusion's interpolation. The MUSimpleWilcard node contains functions to generate sequences like that already, though I admit they aren't the easiest to use.

The existing interpolation feature works on the embedding tensors directly so it's unfortunately not useful.

Hmmm, this does look like it works, but it's not the prettiest.

Edited to allow for descending weight

<%- macro step_weight(weight, start, dir) -%>
  <= round(start + (dir * weight), 2) =>
<%- endmacro -%>
<%- macro switch_at(weight, startX, endX) -%>
  <= round(abs(weight) / abs(endX - startX), 2) =>
<%- endmacro -%>

<%- set start = min(__weight-start__, __weight-end__) -%>
<%- set end = max(__weight-start__, __weight-end__) -%>
<%- set dir = 1 if __weight-start__ < __weight-end__ else -1 -%>

<%- for weight in steps(0, end - start, __step-size__) -%>
  <=- step_weight(weight, __weight-start__, dir) -=>):
  <=- switch_at(weight, start, end) -=>
<%- endfor -%>

You can make that a bit simpler with MUSimpleWildcard with its in-prompt variable / macro support, but that does get a bit complex.

I actually didn't know Jinja can do macros; I should probably refactor the "built-in" functions in MUSimpleWildcard to use them more.