asafjo23 / httpClient

Http client to make http requests

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EX2 - implementation of http server request

Author details - name : asaf jospeh , id : 203819065 Files - client.c

compile with : gcc -Wall client.c -o client -g

valgrind with : valgrind --track-origins=yes --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full -v

Description : in this exercise we have implemented an HTTP header request using sockets.

we parsed the command line command :

./client -p blabla -r 2 addr=jecrusalem tel=02-6655443

make the HTTP header and then send it to the server.

In case of command error the output will be :

Usage: client -p -r n <pr1=value1 pr2=value2 ... prN=valueN>


Http client to make http requests


Language:C 100.0%