aryamanarora / carmls-hi

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(indirect?) objects of cognition verbs [Topic↝Theme]

aryamanarora opened this issue · comments

Certain cognition verbs such as समझना, मानना take, as arguments, an attribute and a target for that attribute.

  • मैं तुमको बच्चा समझता हूँ।
    I you-DAT child understand-HAB be-PRS
    I think of you as a child.

Currently I have labelled this as a separate function Topic↝Topic. That doesn't really seem broad to enough to mandate its own function. Some candidates for this:

  • Topic↝Theme: The attribute is actually attached to the verb rather than being the direct object. "I (think child) of you."
  • Topic↝Goal: The attribute is being applied to the Goal. However, note that usually को-Goals, which add secondary information, can be dropped without making the sentence ungrammatical. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

Topic↝Theme because the attribute (not necessarily a noun, can be an adjective) is attached to the predicate. (Note that this example is really having ख़ुद "self" as both subject and object.)
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