arvidn / libtorrent

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docs:class dht_stats_alert

master255 opened this issue · comments


@arvidn Documentation under heading "class dht_stats_alert" could be improved

There is no mention anywhere in the code:
sha1_hash nid;
aux::noexcept_movableudp::endpoint local_endpoint;

when you say "code", do you mean "documentation"?

Do you find these descriptions insufficient?

the node ID of the DHT node instance

the local socket this DHT node is running on


@arvidn In fact, the code is like this:

	struct TORRENT_EXPORT dht_stats_alert final : alert
		// internal
		dht_stats_alert(aux::stack_allocator& alloc
			, std::vector<dht_routing_bucket> table
			, std::vector<dht_lookup> requests);

		TORRENT_DEFINE_ALERT(dht_stats_alert, 83)

		static constexpr alert_category_t static_category = alert_category::stats;
		std::string message() const override;

		// a vector of the currently running DHT lookups.
		std::vector<dht_lookup> active_requests;

		// contains information about every bucket in the DHT routing
		// table.
		std::vector<dht_routing_bucket> routing_table;

Nothing about these variables


@arvidn Ok :-) I forgot to look.


@arvidn Do you think it's time to move to 2.0 yet?