arungpisyadi / talk

Talk is a Laravel 5 based realtime users messaging and chatting system

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Talk is a Laravel 5 based user conversation (inbox) system with realtime messaging. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. It helps you to develop a messaging system in just few minutes. Here is a project screenshot that was developed by Talk.

Talk v2.1.0 supports realtime messaging. Learn more about Talk Live Messaging


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Built with Talk

If you are using Talk in your project please share your project URL or project name with us. It will inspire other people to use Talk.

See which project was Built with Talk.


Do not migrate 1.1.7 from its higher version directly. Please try our sample project first and then apply it on your project.

Talk-Example Screenshot

You may try Talk-Example project.

Or you can try live Demo by using this credentials:

username: admin   
password: admin

So let's start your tour :)


  • Head to head messaging
  • Realtime messaging
  • Creating new conversation
  • Message threads with latest one
  • View conversations by user id or conversation id
  • Support pagination in threads and messages
  • Delete (soft delete) message from both end. Sender and receiver can delete their message from their end
  • Permanent delete message
  • Mark message as seen
  • Only participant can view or access there message or message threads
  • Inline url render using oembed specifications


Talk is a Laravel package so you can install it via Composer. Run this command in your terminal from your project directory:

composer require nahid/talk

Wait for a while, Composer will automatically install Talk in your project.


When the download is complete, you have to call this package service in config/app.php config file. To do that, add this line in app.php in providers section:


To use facade you have to add this line in app.php in aliases array:

'Talk'      => Nahid\Talk\Facades\Talk::class,

Now run this command in your terminal to publish this package resources:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nahid\Talk\TalkServiceProvider"

After running this command, all necessary file will be included in your project. This package has two default migrations. So you have to run migrate command like this. (But make sure your database configuration is configured correctly.)

php artisan migrate

Okay, now you need to configure your user model for Talk. Go to config/talk.php and config it:

return [
    'user' => [
        'model' => 'App\User',
        'foreignKey' => null,
        'ownerKey' => null
    'broadcast' => [
        'enable' => false,
        'app_name' => 'your-app-name',
        'pusher' => [
            'app_id'        => '',
            'app_key'       => '',
            'app_secret'    => '',
            'options' => [
                 'cluster' => 'ap1',
                 'encrypted' => true
    'oembed' => [
        'enabled' => false,
        'url' => null,
        'key' => null


Its very easy to use. If you want to set authenticate user id globally then you have to set a middleware first. Go to app/Http/Kernel.php and set it in $routeMiddleware array:

'talk'  =>  \Nahid\Talk\Middleware\TalkMiddleware::class,

And now you can use it from anywhere with middleware. Suppose you have a Controller and you want to set authenticate user id globally then write this in controller constructor:


But instead of set id globally you can use these procedure from any method in controller:


Now you may use any method what you need. But if want pass authentic id instantly, this method may help you:


Please see the API Doc.

API List


setAuthUserId method sets the currently loggedin user id, which you pass through parameter. If you pass null or empty value then it returns false.


void setAuthUserId($userid)


Constructor of a Controller is the best place to write this method.

function __construct()

When you pass logged in user ID, Talk will know who is currently authenticated for this system. So Talk retrieve all information based on this user.


You may use this method instead of setAuthUserId() method. When you have to instantly access users conversations then you may use it. Syntax

object user($id)

Example When you haven't set authenticated user id globally, then you just use this method directly with others method.

$inboxes = Talk::user(auth()->user()->id)->threads();
return view('messages.threads', compact('inboxes'));


This method checks currently logged in user and if given user is already in conversation


int|false isConversationExists($userid)


if ($conversationId = Talk::isConversationExists($userId)) {
    Talk::sendMessage($conversationId, $message);


isAuthenticUser checks if the given user exists in given conversation.


boolean isAuthenticUser($conversationId, $userId)


if (Talk::isAuthenticUser($conversationId, $userId)) {
    Talk::sendMessage($conversationId, $message);


You can send messages via conversation id by using this method. If the message is successfully sent, it will return objects of Message model otherwise, it will return false


object|false sendMessage($conversationId, $message)


    $message = Talk::sendMessage($conversationId, $message);
    if ($message) {
        return response()->json(['status'=>'success', 'data'=>$message], 200);


You can send message via receiver id by using this method. If the message is successfully sent, it will return objects of Message model otherwise, it will return false


object|false sendMessageByUserId($userId, $message)


If you want to get all the inboxes except soft deleted message , this method may help you. This method gets all the inboxes via previously assigned authenticated user id. It returns collections of message thread with latest message.


array getInbox([$order = 'desc'[,$offset = 0[, $take = 20]]])


// controller method
$inboxes = Talk::getInbox();
return view('message.threads', compact('inboxes'));
<!-- messages/threads.blade.php -->
    @foreach($inboxes as $inbox)


Its similar as getInbox() method. If you want to get all the inboxes with soft deleted messages, this method may help you. This method gets all the inboxes via given user id.


object getInboxAll([$order = 'desc'[,$offset = 0[, $take = 20]]])


This method is an alias of getInbox() method.


array threads([$order = 'desc'[,$offset = 0[, $take = 20]]])


This method is an alias of getInboxAll() method.


array threadsAll([$order = 'desc'[,$offset = 0[, $take = 20]]])


When you want to get all the conversations using your desire conversation id, you can try this method. This method returns all the conversations (except soft deleted) with sender and withUser objects


array getConversationsById($conversationId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


// controller method
$conversations = Talk::getConversationsById($conversationId);
$messages = $conversations->messages;
$withUser = $conversations->withUser;

return view('messages.conversations', compact('messages', 'withUser'));

This method returns two objects messages and withUser. messages object contains messages collection and withUser object contains participant User collections.

Let's see how to use it with your views

<!-- messages/conversations.blade.php -->
<div class="message-container">
    <h2>Chat with {{$withUser->name}}</h2>
    @foreach ($messages as $msg)
     <div class="message">


This method is similar as getConversationsById(). The only difference between this method is its return all messages with soft deleted items.


array getConversationsAllById($conversationId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


When you want to get all the conversations using your desire receiver id, you can try this method. This method returns all the conversations (except soft deleted message) with user's objects


object getConversationsByUserId($receiverId [, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


This method is similar as getConversationsByUserId(). The only difference between this method is it returns all messages with soft deleted items.


array getConversationsAllByUserId($receiverId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


This is a alias of getConversationsById() method.


array messages($conversationId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


This is a alias of getConversationsAllById() method.


array messagesAll($conversationId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


This is a alias of getConversationsByUserId() method.


array messagesByUserId($receiverId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


This is a alias of getConversationsAllByUserId() method.


array messagesAllByUserId($receiverId[, $offset = 0[, $take = 20]])


If you want to read a single message then you may use it. This message is return a single message object by message id.


array readMessage($messageId)


This method returns all the information about message receiver.

This method is deprecated from version 2.0.0 and it will be removed from version 2.0.2


object getReceiverInfo($conversationId)


If you want to set a message as seen you can use this method.


boolean makeSeen($messageId)


When you want to delete a specific message from a conversation, you have to use this method. This method soft delete message for both user-end individually.


boolean deleteMessage($messageId)


If you want to hard delete or permanently delete a specific message then you have to use this method.


boolean deleteForever($messageId)


This method is used to permanently delete all conversations.


boolean deleteConversations($conversationId)

Realtime Messaging

Talk also support realtime messaging thats called Talk-Live. Talk use pusher for realtime message. So first you have to configure pusher. Go to app/talk.php again and configure.

return [
    'user' => [
        'model' => 'App\User'
    'broadcast' => [
        'enable' => false,
        'app_name' => env('PUSHER_APP_NAME'),
        'pusher' => [
            'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
            'app_key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
            'app_secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
            'options' => [
                'cluster' => env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER'),
                'encrypted' => true

in this new version broadcast section was added with talk config. Here broadcast is disabled by default. If you want to enable live (realtime) messaging then you have to enable it first. Then add pusher credentials to your .env file and you must add a new line called PUSHER_APP_NAME in the .env file to specify your application pusher name. Thats it. Everytime when you send message then talk will automatically fire two event, one for specific user and second for specific conversation. So you may listen or subscribe one or both as per your wish. Finally you have to subscribe these events by using talk_live() helper function. Go to where you want to subscribe to work with message data follow this code.

    var msgshow = function(data) {
        // write what you want with this data

{!! talk_live(['user'=>["id"=>auth()->user()->id, 'callback'=>['msgshow']]]) !!}

talk_live() supports one parameters as array. The first parameter is for channel name which you want to subscribe. You have not know which channel was broadcast. Talk broadcast two channel by default. One for user and second for conversation. If you want to subscribe channel for currently loggedin user then you have to pass

logedin user id in 'user' key. ['user'=>['id'=>auth()->user()->id, 'callback'=>[]] or you want to subscribe for conversation id you have pass conversation id as 'conversation' key. ['conversation'=>['id'=>$conversationID, 'callback'=>[]]. You may pass both if you want.

You can pass a callback for working with pusher recieved data. For both user and conversation section support callbacks as array. So you can pass multiple callback as array value that was shown in previous example.

You can watch Talk-Live-Demo

Oembed support

Talk also supports embed urls simply use $message->toHtlmString() in you views to render an embed link

Eg. This is a youtube embed link:

<div class="message-container">
    <h2>Chat with {{$withUser->name}}</h2>
    @foreach ($messages as $msg)
     <div class="message">

Custom embed link

If you want to setup your own implementation of oembed you can configure it in the talk config file. You endpoint should follow the Oembed specifications

    'user' => [
        'model' => 'App\User',
        'foreignKey' => null,
        'ownerKey' => null
    'broadcast' => [
        'enable' => false,
        'app_name' => 'your-app-name',
        'pusher' => [
            'app_id'        => '',
            'app_key'       => '',
            'app_secret'    => '',
            'options' => [
                 'cluster' => 'ap1',
                 'encrypted' => true
    'oembed' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'url' => 'http://your.domain/api/oembed',
        'key' => 'yout-auth-api-key'


Talk is backwards compatible with php 5.5. Use docker to run unit tests.

docker-compose run php55 composer install
docker-compose run php55 phpunit
docker-compose run php56 composer install
docker-compose run php56 phpunit
docker-compose run php7 composer install
docker-compose run php7 phpunit
docker-compose run hhvm composer install
docker-compose run hhvm phpunit

Try Demo Project


Special Thanks To

Shipu Ahamed

Thanks :)

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Talk is a Laravel 5 based realtime users messaging and chatting system

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:PHP 94.2%Language:Dockerfile 3.9%Language:HTML 1.9%