artyaltanzaya / EmbeddedSentry

Hand Gesture-Based Unlock System: Utilizes accelerometer/gyro data to record and replicate hand movements for unlocking resources, with visual success indicators.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Real Time Embedded Systems

Embedded Sentry


  • Use the data collected from a single accelerometer and/or gyro to record a hand movement sequence as a means to generally “unlock” a resource.
  • Recorded sequence must be saved on the microcontroller, using a “Record Key” feature.
  • User then must replicate the key sequence within sufficient tolerances to unlock the resource.
  • A successful unlock must be indicated by a visual indication, such as an LED or similar indicator.


  • The accelerometer/gyro must be held in a closed fist of either hand while performing the mechanical sequence.
  • An “enter key” and ”record” functionality must be developed to so the user knows when to start the sequence of unlocking and recording respectively.

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 6 11 37 PM


Hand Gesture-Based Unlock System: Utilizes accelerometer/gyro data to record and replicate hand movements for unlocking resources, with visual success indicators.


Language:C++ 100.0%