arturoherrero / biteydown

Convert your curriculum vitae in markdown syntax to HTML or PDF file.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Convert your curriculum vitae in Markdown syntax to HTML or PDF file.


$ git clone
$ bundle install


$ bin/biteydown -help
Usage: biteydown [options]
        --html                       Create HTML file
        --pdf                        Create PDF file
        --css file                   Path to CSS file
    -h, --help                       Display help

$ bin/biteydown --html --pdf example/
$ bin/biteydown --pdf example/
$ bin/biteydown --pdf --css style/style.css example/


You can customize the look and feel of text and headings in your document using the style/style.css file or a custom CSS file. First is transformed the Markdown document to HTML file and then apply the style. It's a little bit hacky, but works fine.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed as an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format and then convert it to structurally valid HTML; therefore, CSS selectors can be used to customize the curriculum.


CSS works by associating rules with HTML elements. In this case, there are a little group of selectors that can be used: h1-h6, blockquote, a, li, code, strong, em, img. You can use id or class selectors to create rules that apply to elements by using kramdown block attributes syntax.


Convert your curriculum vitae in markdown syntax to HTML or PDF file.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 89.4%Language:CSS 10.6%