artnc / chronofile

Personal time tracking app

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Resuming graph activity after it was destroyed crashes the app

daniele-athome opened this issue · comments

I'm assuming it happens because the activity is destroyed by the system due to memory pressure. Anyway here is the log:

01-15 09:43:44.134 E/arun.chronofil(3242): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
01-15 09:43:44.302 W/arun.chronofil(3242): Accessing hidden method Landroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;->rebase()V (dark greylist, linking)
01-15 09:43:44.327 I/Chronofile(3242): GraphActivity onCreate
01-15 09:43:44.338 E/MPChartLib-Utils(3242): Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before calling Utils.convertDpToPixel(...). Otherwise conversion does not take place.
01-15 09:43:44.338 E/MPChartLib-Utils(3242): Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before calling Utils.convertDpToPixel(...). Otherwise conversion does not take place.
01-15 09:43:44.344 I/Chronofile(3242): h0 onAttach
01-15 09:43:44.344 I/Chronofile(3242): h0 onCreate
01-15 09:43:44.344 I/Chronofile(3242): j0 onAttach
01-15 09:43:44.344 I/Chronofile(3242): j0 onCreate
01-15 09:43:44.345 I/Chronofile(3242): f onAttach
01-15 09:43:44.345 I/Chronofile(3242): f onCreate
01-15 09:43:44.441 D/AndroidRuntime(3242): Shutting down VM
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): Process: com.chaidarun.chronofile, PID: 3242
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.chaidarun.chronofile/com.chaidarun.chronofile.GraphActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at$H.handleMessage(
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at$
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at com.chaidarun.chronofile.GraphActivity.onCreate(:8)
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	at
01-15 09:43:44.444 E/AndroidRuntime(3242): 	... 11 more


I ran into the same issue twice now, collapsing the data for the last week and second time around collapsing the past four days.
What I figured was that the TSV file was last updated when I had last turned off/restart my cell. If you restart the cell you are using it should update the TSV file and back up your data.
I am a mechanical engineering and my coding background is limited. hopefully this helps you.