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How to typeset Cyrillic characters in tikzpicture nodes?

Blezz-tech opened this issue · comments

This code not working:

\tikzstyle{center} = [align=center]

	    \node[center] (InfiniteFractions) {Бесконечные дроби};
	    \node[center] (PeriodicFractions) [below left  = of InfiniteFractions] {
	        Переодические: \\
	        0,(6); 7,7(8) \\
	        $\frac{22}{7}$; 6,(1)
	    \node[center] (NonPeriodicFractions) [below right = of InfiniteFractions] {
	        Непериодические: \\
	        $\pi \approx 3,1415926535$ \\
	        $e \approx 2,71828182846$
	    \draw[->] (InfiniteFractions.south) -- (PeriodicFractions.north);
	    \draw[->] (InfiniteFractions.south) -- (NonPeriodicFractions.north);

But if you remove the words with Cyrillic characters, then it works:

\tikzstyle{center} = [align=center]

	    \node[center] (InfiniteFractions) {InfiniteFractions};
	    \node[center] (PeriodicFractions) [below left  = of InfiniteFractions] {
	        PeriodicFractions: \\
	        0,(6); 7,7(8) \\
	        $\frac{22}{7}$; 6,(1)
	    \node[center] (NonPeriodicFractions) [below right = of InfiniteFractions] {
	        NonPeriodicFractions: \\
	        $\pi \approx 3,1415926535$ \\
	        $e \approx 2,71828182846$
	    \draw[->] (InfiniteFractions.south) -- (PeriodicFractions.north);
	    \draw[->] (InfiniteFractions.south) -- (NonPeriodicFractions.north);

I am not sure what could be the problem?