artisticat1 / obsidian-tikzjax

Render LaTeX and TikZ diagrams in your notes

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Support for the tikzlibrary: feynman

AliDariusKhan opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to add support for the tikz feynman to Obsidian TikzJax?

+1 this would be a nice feature to have indeed.

I've tried adding the tikz-feynman package, but unfortunately it fails to work because the package relies on LuaTeX.

I see. Thank you for trying @artisticat1

Is there a known functional alternative for feynman diagrams?

I have tried fmfgraph and a couple others, can't get any of them to produce an embed-able result. While manually graphing with tikz is an option... it's a lot more work.

I've tried adding the tikz-feynman package, but unfortunately it fails to work because the package relies on LuaTeX.

I am not familiar with the details but Feynhand is a modification that only uses the manual mode, and so doesn't depend on LuaTex