artistic709 / CoWAMMPool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pooled CoW AMM demo on Gnosis Chain

CoWSwap <> Safe <> LP contract


Frontend Demo


Contracts address

Deploy flow

  1. create a Safe contract
  2. deploy CoWAMMPool contract
  3. Safe approve CoWAMMPool to move tokens
  4. fund initial liquidity by invoking CoWAMMPool.addLiquidity
  5. use CoW AMM Deployer Safe App

Disclaimer ⚠️

  • not audited
  • currently Safe owner is my EOA


  • tokenize LP position in a shared CoW AMM
  • work as a standalone contract, not a Safe module
  • imbalanced deposit is allowed
  • no fee
  • still need to rely on Safe owner to configure CoW AMM
  • add/remove liquidity via CoW Swap (intent: spend m token0 for n LP)
  • auto adjust CoW AMM minimum amount



Language:Solidity 100.0%