arthurits / RadialGaugePlot

A radial gauge chart is a graphical method of displaying scalar data in the form of a chart made of circular gauges so that scalar values are transformed into angular values.

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Radial gauge plot

A customizable radial gauge control for plotting simple data. Built using C# (WinForms) in .NET 5.

The goal is two-fold (work in progress):

  • Integrate this plot into ScottPlot, already present in version 4.1.18 onwards.
  • Create a standalone control (probably as a nuget packet) that's easy to mantain and update.

Copyright © 2021-2023 by Arthurits Ltd. No commercial nor profit use allowed. This software is provided only for personal and not-for-profit use.

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Developing status

Currently fine tuning some internal routines. The TestControl project is functional and shows the functionally that is supported by the plot.


Drag and drop the control from the toolbox onto the form and then add the following start-up sequence. Please note that the control does not refresh automatically. Instead, Render() should be invoked everytime it must be graphically updated.

public FrmTestControl()
    // Optional customization
    plot1.Palette = Plotting.Colorsets.Palette.Microcharts;
    plot1.PlotTitle = "RadialGauge plot";
    plot1.Legend.IsVisible = true;
    plot1.Legend.Location = RadialGaugePlot.Alignment.UpperRight;

    // Required
    plot1.Update(new double[] { 100, 80, 65, 45, -20 },
                 new string[] { "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon" });

Plot API

These are the properties and methods for this control

Base plot

RadialGauge plot

  • AngleRange: The maximum angular interval that the gauges will consist of. It takes values in the range [0-360], default value is 360. Outside this range, unexpected side-effects might happen.
  • Data: Data to be plotted. It's copied from of the data passed to either the constructor or the Update(double[], bool) method.
  • DataAngular (protected): Angular data (rows: gauges; first column: initial angle; second column: swept angle) computed from Data.
  • BackTransparency: Dimmed percentage used to draw the gauges' background. Values in the range [0-1], default value is 0.9 (90 %). Outside this range, unexpected side-effects might happen.
  • Color: Array of colors for the gauges. These colors are dimmed according to BackTransparency to draw the gauges' background. Length must be equal to the length of data passed to either the constructor or the Update(double[], bool) method.
  • GaugeDirection: value from RadialGaugeDirection enum that determines whether the gauges are drawn clockwise (default value) or anti-clockwise (counter clockwise). The setter calls the ComputeAngularData function.
  • GaugeLabelsPosition: Determines the gauge label position as a percentage of the gauge length, 0 being the beginning and 1 (default value) the ending of the gauge.
  • GaugeLabels: array of string for the gauges. Length must be equal to the length of data passed to either the constructor or the Update(double[], bool) method.
  • GaugeLabelsColor: Color of the value labels drawn inside the gauges. Default value is white.
  • GaugeLabelsFontFraction: Size of the gague label text as a percentage of the gauge width. Values in the range [0-1], default value is 0.75 (75%). Other values might produce unexpected side-effects.
  • GaugeMode: value from RadialGaugeMode enum that determines whether the gauges are drawn stacked (dafault value), sequentially, or as a single gauge (ressembling a pie plot). The setter calls the ComputeMaxMin() and ComputeAngularData() functions.
  • GaugeSpaceFraction: the empty space between gauges as a percentage of the gauge width. Values in the range [0-1], default value is 0.5 (50%). Other values might produce unexpected side-effects.
  • GaugeStart: value from RadialGaugeStart enum that determines whether the gauges are drawn starting from the inside (default value) or from the outside. Default value set to RadialGaugeStart.InsideToOutside.
  • LineWidth: size (in pixels) of each gauge. If <0, then it will be calculated from the available space. Default value set to -1 (automatic sizing).
  • MaxScale (protected): the maximum value for scaling the gauges. This value is associated to StartingAngleGauges and to AngleRange properties. The setter calls ComputeAngularData().
  • MinScale (protected): the minimum value for scaling the gauges (default value 0). This value is associated to StartingAngleGauges and to AngleRange properties. The setter calls ComputeAngularData().
  • CircularBackground: false if the gauges' background is adjusted to AngleRange. Default value is set to true (full-circle background gauges).
  • StartingAngleBackGauges: the initial angle (in degrees) where the background gauges begin. Default value is 270° the same as StartingAngleGauges.
  • StartingAngleGauges: angle (in degrees) at which the gauges start: 270° for North (default value), 0° for East, 90° for South, 180° for West, and so on. Expected values in the range [0°-360°], otherwise unexpected side-effects might happen.
  • ShowGaugeValues: true (default value) if value labels are shown inside the gauges. Size of the text is set by GaugeLabelsFontFraction and color by GaugeLabelsColor.
  • EndCap: end cap line style. Value from System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap enum. Default value set to Triangle.
  • StartCap: start cap line style. Value from System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap enum. Default value set to Round.
  • PlotTitle: title string which is rendered at the top of the plot.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

External dependencies

This project uses controls and routines from the following Gits:


A radial gauge chart is a graphical method of displaying scalar data in the form of a chart made of circular gauges so that scalar values are transformed into angular values.


Language:C# 100.0%