arthurdouillard / CVPR2021_PLOP

Official code of CVPR 2021's PLOP: Learning without Forgetting for Continual Semantic Segmentation

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TensorFlow version?

andreped opened this issue · comments

Very interesting work! Some of the ideas you propose seem perfect for our applications and we are very interested in testing them :]

However, we are mostly using TF-Keras for ML, so I was wondering if you had an alternative implementation in this framework, or if anyone is trying to reimplement this code to this framework?

Hey, thank you for your interest in our work 😀

Sorry but I don't have a TF implem, nor know anyone in the Continual Segmentation field coding in TF. A lot of the codebase in that domain are modifications from, which is in PyTorch.

I don't want to start a pytorch vs tensorflow debate, but you may want to consider using pytorch :p

If you find a copy of PLOP in TF, or code one yourself, please share it with me so I can add it in the README.

I don't want to start a pytorch vs tensorflow debate, but you may want to consider using pytorch :p

@arthurdouillard I am using both frameworks myself, but for some applications I just find using Keras so much easier to use (at least for doing simpler stuff - then doing all the low-level stuff necessary with pytorch feels overkill). However with the introduction of pytorch-lightning, I might be on the verge of choosing pytorch as my default framework. Not entirely convinced yet ;)

We might make an attempt to implement parts of PLOP in TF. I will let you know if we do so and we will definitely make it open for others that might be interested.

Thanks for the rapid reply! I am closing this issue for now as my question was answered :]