artemkrachulov / AKMaskField

Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get Original Text (Swift 3)

Andre113 opened this issue · comments

Hello. I'm trying to access the original text from AKMaskField (ex: '2016/11/11' would be '20161111'). I tried to follow your solution, but it didn't work.

var template: String = ""
for block in self.field.maskObject {
    template += block.template

println("Template text: \(template)")

First I couldn't access field.maskObject and block.template.
I looked into your code and changed fileprivate(set) var maskBlocks: [AKMaskFieldBlock] = [AKMaskFieldBlock]() to open var maskBlocks: [AKMaskFieldBlock] = [AKMaskFieldBlock]() and the same to template, so I could access it.

However, the print is always the value of maskTemplate, so I want to know if you could provide a new solution.

Thanks for your attention.

In your case, since it is only digits, you could use:
let template = text?.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined()

But the best solution would be a generic one =/
I am using this but I will try to contribute later with a better implementation.