arsava / dokuwiki-template-monobook

"monobook" brings you the traditional MediaWiki/Wikipedia look and feel for DokuWiki.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  I. About

    "monobook" brings you the traditional MediaWiki/Wikipedia look and feel for

    Website:     <>
    Maintainer:  ARSAVA <>
    Contact:     See "IV. Support" and "V. Contact".

    It is heavily inspired and partially based on the great "Monobook for
    DokuWiki" template, originally maintained by Terence J. Grant [1] from 2006
    until the end of 2009.

    [1] <>

  II. Installation and update

    The installation works as described [1] on Extract the
    downloaded archive into your DokuWiki's "lib/tpl/" folder. Then select the
    template in the Config Manager by adjusting the template option.

    See the monobook template website for update instructions [2].

    [1] <>
    [2] <>

  III. Customizing the template

    In order to make updates of your installed "monobook" template easy, follow
    these hints for customizing the template:

    - Place your files in "monobook/user"
      The place to store *all* user-defined, custom stuff is the "monobook/user"
      directory because your files will not be touched or overwritten on
      template updates! So you normally can copy all new files into "monobook/"
      to update the template without loosing your changes.
      Note: There are example files helping you modifying the template.
            The are delivered with the ".dist" extensions. Just remove the
            ".dist" extension to use them.

    - Own logo
      If you want to replace the default logo showed in the upper left, simply
      create a "logo.[png|gif|jpg]" in "monobook/user". The template recognizes
      the file automatically and will use it instead of the default logo.
      Note: Do not forget to empty your browser's cache if you cannot see any

    - Own favicon
      If you want to replace the default favicon, simply create a "favicon.ico"
      in "monobook/user". The template recognizes the file automatically and
      will use it instead of the default one. You might find the online FavIcon
      Generator [1] useful.
      Note: "favicon.png" is also possible but not recommended (because it is
            not supported by older MSIE versions).

    - Own CSS
      To apply additional CSS rules, create a
        - "monobook/user/screen.css" file to influence the normal layout. You
          can rename the "screen.css.dist" to "screen.css" as starting point.
        - "monobook/user/print.css" file to influence the print layout. You
          can rename the "print.css.dist" to "print.css" as starting point.
        - "monobook/user/rtl.css" file to influences "right-to-left" languages
          like Hebrew. You can rename the "rtl.css.dist" to "rtl.css" as
          starting point.
      The file(s) will be included automatically (as the last ones for the
      relevant media, therefore you are able to overrule existing styles).
      Note: Do not forget to empty your browser's cache if you cannot see any

    - Own JavaScript
      To load additional JavaScript, create a "monobook/user/user.js" file. You
      can rename the "user.js.dist" to "user.js" as starting point (it contains
      some examples and useful comments how to define your own JavaScript).
      ATTENTION: You have to activate the template option "monobook_loaduserjs"
                 (->"Load 'monobook/user/user.js'?") in the DokuWiki Config

    - Own CSS, language specific
      To apply additional CSS rules only for a specific language, edit/create
      "monobook/lang/<your-language>/style.css". This file will be included
      automatically if DokuWiki runs/shows a page in the language of choice (as
      the last one, therefore you are able to overrule existing styles).
      Note: Do not forget to empty your browser's cache if you cannot see any

    - Own tabs
      To apply own tabs, create a "monobook/user/tabs.php" file. You can rename
      the "tabs.php.dist" to "tabs.php" as a good starting point (it contains
      some examples and useful comments how to define your own tabs). If you
      still have questions after playing with the examples, see "IV. Support"
      on how to get help.

    - Own footer buttons
      To apply own buttons/graphics in the footer (-> these small 80x15 pics),
      create a "monobook/user/buttons.php" file. You can rename the
      "buttons.php.dist" to "buttons.php" as a good starting point (it contains
      some examples and useful comments how to define your own buttons). If you
      still have questions after playing with the examples, see "IV. Support"
      on how to get help.

    - Own boxes
      To apply own boxes in the left column/sidebar, create a
      "monobook/user/boxes.php" file. You can rename the "boxes.php.dist" to
      "boxes.php" as a good starting point (it contains some examples and useful
      comments how to define your own boxes). If you still have questions after
      playing with the examples, see "IV. Support" on how to get help.

    - Web analytics software (Piwik, Google Analytics etc.)
      Tools like Piwik and Google Analytics normally provide a small code
      snippet ("tag") which you have to include at your website to make
      everything work. If you want to use such software with this template,
      create a "monobook/user/tracker.php.dist". You don't have to deliberate
      where you have to copy and  paste the code, simply do it there. You can
      rename the "tracker.php.dist" to "tracker.php" as a good starting point
      (it contains some examples and useful comments how to define your own

    - Own Apple Touch Icon
      If you want to replace the default Apple Touch Icon, simply create a
      "apple-touch-icon.png" in "monobook/user". The template recognizes the
      file automatically and will use it instead of the default one. Have a look
      at Apple's developer database (cf. "Configuring Web Applications" [2]) if
      you need more information.

    [1] <>
    [2] <>

  IV. Support

    If you need help, check the FAQ [1] and try to find useful information by
    using the DokuWiki Search page [2]. If you found nothing helpful, ask your
    question at the DokuWiki forum [3] (preferred) or IRC channel [4].

    [1] <>
    [2] <>
    [3] <>
    [4] <>

  V. Contact

    If you think you have found a bug or have a useful idea (a.k.a. "feature
    request"), create an issue [1] on GitHub (preferred), or contact us by
    mail [2].

    Feel free to submit patches as GitHub pull requests (preferred) or by mail
    as well. However, please try to respect the DokuWiki coding style [3] as
    this template follows its rules.

    [1] <>
    [2] ARSAVA <>
    [3] <>

  VI. Other notes

    If you like this free project, you might buy us a coffee [1], or get some
    cool QR Code merchandise [2]. Thank you! :-)

    Do not hesitate to contact ARSAVA [3] if you need professional DokuWiki
    support, training or if you think we are the ones to get your project done.

    [1] <>
    [2] <>
    [3] <>

  VII. Explanatory notes about the dirs of this template

    - "monobook/conf"
      Contains some configuration files (do NOT edit them!), especially
        - default.php: default settings [1]
        - metadata.php: configuration metadata [2]

    - "monobook/lang"
      Language files (subdir names = language code). You may copy the English
      language files and translate them if your language is missing. Simply send
      us the translated files (cf. "V. Contact") and I will include them in the
      next release :-D.

    - "monobook/static"
      Static files (images, CSS, JavaScript). The interesting stuff is located
      in subdirs (as described below).
      - "3rd"
        Static files originally taken from a third party like MediaWiki or
        DokuWiki. The subdir "dokuwiki" contains files originally taken from the
        DokuWiki "default" or "starter" template. The subdir "monobook" contains
        files taken from the MediaWiki "monobook" skin.
      - "css"
        All non-3rd-party Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See my tutorial [3] for
        more information about how the CSS is handled.
      - "img"
        All non-3rd-party images files.
      - "js"
        All non-3rd-party JavaScript files.

    - "monobook/user"
      Place for userdefined stuff. E.g. if you want use an own logo, simply copy
      a logo.[png|gif|jpg] in here. See "III. Customizing the template" for

    [1] <>
    [2] <>
    [3] <>

  VIII. Creation transcript

    Some developers may find this interesting. Additionally, I am very oblivious

    After some discussion and a quick release as "monodoku", this template was
    renamed to "monobook" to replace the existing "Monobook for DokuWiki" by
    Terence J. Grant because Terence got no more time for maintenance (BTW:
    Terence, thank you for your work and your great(!) ideas I got from your
    "Monobook for DokuWiki"). To cut a long story short: you may call this
    template a rewrite/successor of Terence J. Grant's "Monobook for DokuWiki".

    There are some reasons for a complete rewrite (instead of improving/patching
    Terence J. Grant's one), let me explain the initial situation:
    - "monobook" is a wide-spread skin for the MediaWiki-Software. It is also
      used by Wikipedia right now (Jan 2010).
    - Terence J. Grant created "monobook for DokuWiki". He emulated some missing
      MediaWiki features within the DokuWiki environment with his template
      (e.g.: discussion pages) - he did a great job! The styles themselves are a
      relatively hard copy of the original "monobook" css- and js-files from
      MediaWiki's "monobook" and the Wikipedia website. IMHO Terence had quick
      updates in mind when doing this (means: when Wikipedia is updating its
      styles, he might just want to copy the static stuff, comment out some
      lines and the "porting" would be done). You will find some information
      about his actions in the README of the replaced "monobook for DokuWiki"
      by Terence J. Grant.
    - Terence J. Grant does not have enough time for maintenance (as he said on
      his website at the end of 2009). Additionally, the roughly wrapped
      Wikipedia/monobook-styles and the structure were makinging some trouble:
      - The styles were bloated (-> they are not designed for DokuWiki, most
        styles are simply not used plus they are specialized for Wikipedia's
        websites, not even MediaWiki in special).
      - Hardcoded URLs within some css-files were resulting in problems in SSL
        environments (-> loading unencrypted content from additionally, calling third party hosts
        is bad behaviour + LAN-only environments simply will not get needed
      - The styles.ini was not used, leading to *much* bigger stylesheets and
        much more HTTP requests because some nice DokuWiki features were not
        used and/or "Monobook for DokuWiki" was not compatible to (-> "Compact
        CSS and javascript output").
     - Terence J. Grant's template needed the "Display Wiki Page"-plugin (which
       is/was developed by him, too). Right now, this is simply not needed
       anymore: DokuWiki got a core function named "tpl_include_page()" to do
    That is why I decided to take the great ideas plus some lines of code of
    Terence J. Grant's "monobook for DokuWiki" to rewrite it, following the
    official DokuWiki template structure guidelines.
    The downside of this desicion is, that if Wikipedia updates its styles,
    reverse engineering instead of simple file copying is needed if the new
    rules should be applied. But I think this is not really dramatic because
    not every pinch of change should be ported (and if Wikipedia would get a
    completely new layout, a new DokuWiki template should be created instead
    of forcing people to decide: a) not using updates or b) using a style the
    might not like). I want an optical, not a technical clone.

    - Installed DokuWiki (Release "2009-12-25", "Lemming") + Terence J. Grant's
      "monobook" template for testing purpose.

    - Copied the default template from DokuWiki (Release "2009-12-25") as
      mentioned at <> and renamed the
      copy to "monobook". Afterwards, the following files/dirs where deleted:
      - monobook/images
      - monobook/_admin.css
      - monobook/design.css
      - monobook/footer.html
      - monobook/layout.css
      - monobook/_linkwiz.css
      - monobook/media.css
      - monobook/print.css
      - monobook/rtl.css

    - Created the dirs mentioned in "II. Some notes about the dirs of this

    - Created "index.html" files in all subdirs of the template to prevent
      directory browsing. Plus "deny from all" .htaccess files in all relevant
      template subdirs containing PHP (this is simply some ADDITIONAL security
      precaution - everything should also be save without these files. But
      better safe than sorry).

    - Configured DokuWiki to use Terence J. Grant's "monobook" template to
      determine which styles/files copied from the MediaWiki monobook and/or
      Wikipedia are really in use (after looking and understanding the template
      itself, for sure).
      The interesting folders (as mentioned in the README by Terence J. Grant):
      - common is from mediawiki
      - monobook is from mediawiki
      - wikipedia is from wikipedia
      After this, I looked at "monobook/lang/*" and "monobook/conf*" (from
      Terence J. Grant's "monobook") to take some ideas.

    - After investigation, some files were copied into the provided places
      within "/monobook/static/3rd":

      - The following 3rd-party styles and files were used/are needed for
        further development and therefore were copied from Terence J. Grant's
        "monobook" template:
        - /monobook/monobook/buttonshadow.png
        - /monobook/monobook/bullet.gif
        - /monobook/monobook/discussionitem_icon.gif
        - /monobook/monobook/external.png
        - /monobook/monobook/file_icon.gif
        - /monobook/monobook/headbg.jpg
        - /monobook/monobook/IE50Fixes.css
        - /monobook/monobook/IE55Fixes.css
        - /monobook/monobook/IE60Fixes.css
        - /monobook/monobook/IE70Fixes.css
        - /monobook/monobook/IEMacFixes.css
        - /monobook/monobook/lock_icon.gif
        - /monobook/monobook/main.css
        - /monobook/monobook/news_icon.gif
        - /monobook/monobook/rtl.css
        - /monobook/monobook/user.gif
      - The following files were copied from Andreas Gohr's "default" template:
        - /default/*.css (see <> why I did that)
        - /default/images/closed.gif
        - /default/images/favicon.ico
        - /default/images/open.gif
        - /default/images/tocdot2.gif
      - The following files were copied from Anika Henke's's "starter" template:
        - /starter/images/external-link.png
        - /starter/images/unc.png
        - /starter/images/email.png
      - The following files were downloaded from Wikipedia

    - Edited "monobook/static/3rd/monobook/main.css"
      - All url() rules were edited (-> "static/3rd/...").
      - "#catlinks" was replaced with ".catlinks" because the styles are needed
        for more than one element.
      To make this clear, a comment was added at the top of the files.

    - Edited "monobook/static/3rd/dokuwiki/design.css"
      All url() rules were edited (-> replaced "url(images/" through
      To make this clear, a comment was added at the top of the files.

    - Edited "monobook/static/3rd/monobook/IE60Fixes.css"
      - "#catlinks" was replaced with ".catlinks" because the styles are needed
        for  more than one element. To make this clear, a comment was added at
        the top of the files.

    - Created
      - "monobook/static/css/print.css"
      - "monobook/static/css/rtl.css"
      - "monobook/static/css/screen.css"
      All relevant information should be found within the inline comments.

    - Created the "main.php" for "monobook". Used the main.php of the "default"
      template as base (as mentioned on the DokuWiki template developer sites),
      and doing some cherry picking on the Terence J. Grant's "monobook"
      main.php. After few hours and some coffees later, work was done.

    - Placed the obligatory 80x15 buttons in "/static/img". I copied them
      from the "default" DokuWiki template (exept "button-monobook.png", for
      sure). Added the needed markup in the "main.php".

    - Took Andreas Gohr's original "mediamanager.php" and "detail.php" out of
      the "default" template. After working a little bit, I found a way to
      prevent additional work and/or redundant code to realize the output of
      these files. Everything is described through the PHP comments in the
      files... look at them if needed. I mainly choose the same way like
      Terence J. Grant.

    - Copied the "do_cite.php" from Terence J. Grant's "monobook", renamed it to
      "inc_cite.php", and edited everything until it was useful for my template.

    - Worked worked worked.... and done! :-P

    - After ~1 year, I switched the CSS base from DokuWiki's default template
      to <>. See <>
      for more information about this. I edited some files, see
      "monobook/static/3rd/dokuwiki/00_starter-tmpl-notes.txt" for details.


"monobook" brings you the traditional MediaWiki/Wikipedia look and feel for DokuWiki.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 62.8%Language:CSS 36.0%Language:JavaScript 1.2%