arrilot / laravel-widgets

Widgets for Laravel

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Call Widget from PHP Variable instead of Hard-Coded String

paulrisk3 opened this issue · comments

Hello. My goal is to allow a user to select which widgets they want displayed in their dashboard, giving them a customizable experience. When the user logs off and logs back on, their widget selection settings should be the same (settings are saved in a database).

The issue I run into is when I try to call the selected widgets. I am returning an array of strings representing the title of the user's selected widgets, and for each of those strings, calling the widget by that name. The code looks like below:

{{-- My intended solution. Each $user_widget is just a string, like
    'numUserErrors', 'numUserMissions', the names of my widgets. --}}
<div class="row">
    @foreach ($user_widgets as $user_widget)

{{-- Works, but won't allow user to select widgets --}}
<div class="row">

The error I get with that @foreach, as written, is:
probably because the widget call is looking for the missing apostrophes. But when I add them (like so: @widget('{{$user_widget}}')), I get the error:

Is there a way to call a widget from a variable instead of a hard-coded string? Also, is there a better way to allow the user to select their own widgets that I've missed? Thanks!

So it turns out I'm a dingus. I'll answer my own question:

@widget($variable), not @widget({{$variable}}). It was a problem with my PHP code, not the widget code. Sorry/thanks!