arrilot / laravel-widgets

Widgets for Laravel

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Problems with minification

vieraleonel opened this issue · comments

Hi, first of all, amazing package.

I've recently used it in a project and everything works like a charm while in development. But when in production (and minification forcefully activates) I get two errors:

  1. HTML comments ( <!-- --> ) translate to "<>".
  2. Javascript line comments ( // ) don't get removed, so when minified all the following code gets commented.

The two errors are easyly avoidable by using blade comments but I think It would be great not having this problem.

Keep Up the great work!


This looks like a problem with a minificator you use. It should strip all comments, that's its job

Perhaps I don't make myself clear. When APP_ENV=production , it activates your plugin's minifier like said in widgetize.php

| Minify Widget HTML
| Minify widgets to save both 'cache storage space' and the 'page size'
| * Putting "APP_ENV=production" in .env will forcefully enable minification.
'minify_html' => false,

And thats when HTML comments ( <!-- -->) get broken and JS line comments (//) don't get removed.

Is there a way to change the minifier?


There is no widgetize.php file in this package and no built-in minifier too.

It seems that you use another 3rd party package/platform that implements this functionality and you should contact them

Oh you are right. Sorry to bother. Thanks for taking your time to respond