arquivei / foundationkit

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Error trying to run examples

joesantos418 opened this issue · comments

I'm using Go 1.19, I cloned the project and ran the command to run the app example:

go run ./app/examples/servefiles/ -log-human -log-level=debug

I got this error:

build cannot load io/fs: malformed module path "io/fs": missing dot in first path element

I suspected an error with an import, so I ran go mod tidy and got this error: imports
embed: malformed module path "embed": missing dot in first path element imports imports
runtime/metrics: malformed module path "runtime/metrics": missing dot in first path element imports imports tested by imports imports
io/fs: malformed module path "io/fs": missing dot in first path element

Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

I'm unable to reproduce this error. Running locally I get the expected result:

go run ./app/examples/servefiles/ -log-human -log-level=debug
9:08AM INF Application main loop starting now! goversion=go1.19.4 version=development

Please provide the output of go version.

So for some reason, my go is 1.13:

go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64

I'll update and try again

It works now, thanks