arquillian / arquillian-extension-persistence

Arquillian Database / Persistence Extension

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Next alpha release?

dbenninger opened this issue · comments


I have been wondering if and when your next alpha release will be. There is one specific code change in the master branch that would solve a problem:

Newer version of snakeyaml removed support for "Value Key Language-Independent Type" in yaml, see (Thinkofname/snakeyaml#192). Your most recent version still somehow depends on that, meaning that it throws a NoSuchFieldError when working with a newer version of snakeyaml from the container. As I can see in your code, you already removed the reference to the VALUE field from your codebase on the master branch.

Exception details:
ava.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VALUE
at org.jboss.arquillian.persistence.dbunit.dataset.yaml.YamlDataSetProducer$1.addImplicitResolvers(



Thanks for pointing it out. I think we can push one next week.

That would be great!

Thanks for your quick reply..

I would keep it open though until I take a closer look :)

@bartoszmajsak, any news on this one?

I reserved time for releasing this small update this week. I guess it will be a new Alpha, as for going to Final version I would love to have more features incorporated. I will keep you posted.

that would be great. Also, could you do the alpha release of the core:

we need the fix for the bridge methods as well...

@bartoszmajsak When will be this week?

:) Very soon! Apologies. Our goal is to release new version by Wed (including new 2.0.0-alpha version)

Good to hear. I came across this project and was really amazed by @UsingDataSet. But apparently its not working as I need to assign a Datasource via @DataSource because i have multiple persistence units. I hope the next release will fix my problems :)

If you can open an issue describing your challenges we will see how we can improve :)

Basically its #48 :)

Busy weekend that is ;)

Are there any news about a new release of this extension?
The last release on maven (Alpha 7) is from May 2014, which is now almost 3 years ago.
It would be really nice if we could get a version update.

If you look closer in the repository you'd notice there is a 2.0.0 branch. We are working very hard on bringing this new, revamped version as well as releasing the final version of 1.0.0 supporting the pre Java EE 7 environments. Stay tuned. It's coming very very soon.

Thanks for the fast answer. Yes I saw the branch ~10 minutes after posting.
Can you give us a short summary about the new features/improvements of the 2.0.0 version, compared to the 1.0.0-Alpha7 one?

Sure, once I come back from Easter break we will make a blog post on Mobile only till Monday evening :)

Okay, thanks for the feedback and enjoy your Easter break. ;)

We won't do a blog post on yet, but we would like to share with all of you our plan for next month to bring you both 1.0.0.Final and brand new 2.0.0 version (we have already released two alphas for the latter).

We would like to keep "Arquillian Persistence Extension" focusing on JPA and DBUnit in 1.x.y version, working on older JVMs (and thus supporting older Java EE containers). We will ship several important features towards this release:

  • Scriptable data sets
  • Ability to use multiple data sources in @Using/@ShouldMatchDataset
  • Major bug fixes reported in JIRA
  • Standalone support (non in-container tests)

All above will also be available in new version. With 2.0.0 we rebrand our tool and simply call it APE, as we've been internally calling it for years. The reason is that what we are working on goes beyond "persistence" which is primarily associated with JPA in the Java world. We are going to provide unified developer experience for seeding other data storages (including NoSQL and more - we count on your feedback here!). Also, dealing with test data is tedious and boring, so let's have an APE doing it for us! Our 30000 feet master plan boils down to:

  • Unified programmatic (dsl) and declarative (annotations) way of seeding data
  • Support for SQL, JPA, NoSQL and more!
  • Leveraging more of containers than ever using our awesome Arquillian Cube

Having said all of that - please give us a bit more time to make it happen, as it's not a trivial effort. If you have any suggestions we are thrilled to hear them. This will help us shape APE in the way YOU want it!

Excellent !

Support @UsingDataSet before deploy would be nice !

@bartoszmajsak any chance to get the 1.0.0.Final?
How about pushing the 2.0 Alpha releases to maven?

Alpha releases of 2.0.0 are in maven already, under the new name and structure|ga|1|arquillian-ape

As for 1.0.0.Final I'm working now on

Once this is done I will release.

Ah sry I didn't see that.
I will take a look at 2.0.0 :)

Hi @gsomeshrao. Could you help me with following?

  • reformat your comment as it's a bit hard to follow the stacktrace
  • provide all relevant info about your environment
  • if possible - a small reproducer project?


@bartoszmajsak We are working on a project that has multiple datasources.
Can you provide me a test example of configuring and running with multiple datasources?