arquillian / arquillian-extension-persistence

Arquillian Database / Persistence Extension

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APE 2.0 - No ShouldMatchDataset annotation in standalone mode

MGabr opened this issue · comments


I'm currently using Arquillian Persistence Extension 1 in a project, but considering updating to 2.0 to use the standalone version. Currently my REST tests are using a workaround described in (They are ordered with InSequence with a first in-container test method with UsingDataSet setting up the database state, a REST test and again an in-container test method with ShouldMatchDataSet checking the database state.) The new standalone version seems to solve this problem if I understand correctly.

The standalone version does, however, not provide the ShouldMatchDataset annotation. Is it planned to add this annotation to the standalone version for future releases or are there any technical issues why this wouldn't work?

Besides, is there something to consider when using the APE 2.0 standalone version? I could not get it to work when simply adding an UsingDataSet annotation to a RunAsClient test method.

Thanks a lot for your work!