arpra-project / arpra

Arpra is a C library for analyzing the propagation of numerical error in arbitrary precision IEEE-754 floating-point computations.

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New name and logo for the MPFA project

jamesturner246 opened this issue · comments

The current name, MPFA, is a twist on MPFR (GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliably), on which this software is based; the A stands for Affine Arithmetic. I picked the name without much thought, following the example of the MPFI Interval Arithmetic library, however I am concerned that these similarly named libraries will be easily mistaken for each other.

As such, I think MPFA should be changed to something more unique and memorable, whilst this is still possible without disruption, and propose a vote for the new name. I will update this post with the candidates so far, and their vote counts, but please suggest alternatives if none appeal to you. I will set a provisional deadline at the end of 31st January 2018, UTC time.

A new logo for the website must also be eventually chosen, and will throw in some options as I think of them, but I welcome all other submissions. Again, I will update this post with candidates.

A couple of names, and my vote, to begin with:

MPFA (keep the existing name)
0 votes

ArPRA ([Ar]bitrary [P]recision [R]ange [A]nalysis)
1 vote

MP Range ([M]ultiple [P]recision [Range] Analysis)
0 votes

AP Range ([A]rbitrary [P]recision [Range] Analysis)
0 votes

RAMP ([R]ange [A]nalysis [M]ultiple [P]recision)
0 votes