arp242 / find-cursor

Highlight the cursor position in X11

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

option to close find-cursor?

dianat100 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have created a launcher to launch the cursor whenever I want others to see my cursor on Skype. However, I don't see an easy way to close it once I am finished "pointing". I know I can kill it in the terminal, but each time I launch it, it is assigned a different ID number. How can I close the application with one click or universal command?

There's no real option to do that, and it wouldn't be easy to add either as IPC is kinda hard. It wouldn't be very different from pkill find-cursor anyway, so I recommend to just use that.

You can use a little script to check if there is a find-cursor process and kill it, or start a new one in the background if there isn't:

if pgrep find-cursor; then
    pkill find-cursor
    find-cursor -r0 &

If you map this to a key in your WM then it should work like a "toggle" key.

Cheers, I added it to the README.