arp242 / cc_align.vim

Easily align things to the cursorcolumn

Repository from Github https://github.comarp242/cc_align.vimRepository from Github https://github.comarp242/cc_align.vim

cc_align.vim uses the cursorcolumn setting to align stuff. This is useful when writing usage text, vim docs, and other aligned text.

Use <C-Right> and <C-Left> to move the cursor to the nearest cursorcolumn. In insert mode this will always insert spaces, regardless of the expandtab setting.

Use <A-Left> and <A-Right> to align the end of the text to the cursorcolumn, rather than the cursor.

If cursorcolumn isn't set, all mappings will work according to the defaults.

All of this assumes that you only use cursorcolumn for alignment (which I do). For this reason you can also set a variable to disable all of this:

let g:cc_align_enabled = 0

There is no command or mapping for this; you'll have to add one, e.g.

comm! AlignToggle let g:cc_align_enabled = !g:cc_align_enabled

Set cc_align_no_map = 1 to disable the automatic mapping. You can use the cc_align#right(), cc_align#right_end(), and cc_align#left() functions.


Easily align things to the cursorcolumn

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 100.0%