arp242 / aleph

Search and browse documents and data; find the people and companies you look for.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comarp242/alephRepository from Github https://github.comarp242/aleph

Branch with some changes to make it easier to run for Alfred dev.

Use the compose.yaml from Alfred. The services between Alfred and Aleph will be shared.

It will use the ui from alfred. It's assumed that the alfred checkout is next to the aleph one – for example:


Add ./bin to $PATH; this will add the following commands:

aleph        – just the Aleph CLI.
aleph-serve  – serve the Aleph API.
aleph-proxy  – serve static files, proxy API requests.
tmux-aleph   – set up tmux session with aleph-serve, aleph-proxy, and aleph worker.

Open at http://aleph.localhost:8080

All of these should deal with venv nonsense and all of that. The upshot of doing it like this is that adding some debug print() and whatnot is quick and easy.


Search and browse documents and data; find the people and companies you look for.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 39.3%Language:Python 32.8%Language:TypeScript 20.3%Language:SCSS 6.6%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Mako 0.0%