armbian / config

Armbian Linux configuration utility

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armbian-config on NanoPi Neo: Wrong .dtb selected for editing device tree

mdrmdrmdr opened this issue · comments

While testing a device tree overlay to enable the micro-USB port on an NanoPi Neo as USB host,
I found a small issue with armbian-config:

If have 2 .dtb files on my system which contain my board name nanopi-neo in the filename:

Nano$ ls -1 /boot/dtb/*nanopi-neo*

The code in /usr/lib/armbian-config/, which searches for the proper .dtb file, finds the wrong - first - file.
Which is sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo-air.dtb in my case.

        for dtb in ${dtb_path}/*.dtb
            if [[ $dtb == *"${board_name}"* ]]; then

I modified the if [[ ]]; then line to find the correct file:

        for dtb in ${dtb_path}/*.dtb
            if [[ $dtb == *"${board_name}.dtb" ]]; then

I'm not sure if the mask *<board name>.dtb can be applied generally, but it fixes the error and works in my case.

Something to try. If you see in the same code block, the board name is beng picked up from the compatible file present in the /proc/device-tree/ directory. There is also the second string there in which the second part is actually the prefix. I think this can be updated so that the function first tries to load <soc_prefix>-<board_name>.dtb and if not present then uses the for loop.

Could you please try the same and see if that solves your issue? If yes, please raise a PR. I can review and merge the same. The file that you might have to modify in this repository is which you know as file from your system.

Unfortunately that does not work as there is no variable available holding the soc prefix.
The only way would be to read and extract overlay_prefix=sun8i-h3 from armbianEnv.txt.
As done in a while loop earlier in the file. Not sure at all if this would be a proper way. Assume not.

I'm wondering why this did not come up earlier. There are 10+ .dtb file combinations which could cause the issue.