arl / gitmux

:computer: Git in your tmux status bar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Updates to the git status are slow

mihai-dinu opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

Add a new file or branch changes should be reflected sub second in the tmux status bar

Actual Behavior

Take more than a couple of seconds (most of the times) to update the git status with changes in the tmux status bar

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. In a repo create a branch and check it out
  2. Look at the gitmux status on the status bar
  3. Notice that it takes a while (2-3 seconds) for the status to update


  • OS: Pop_OS 19.10
  • gitmux version: gitmux -V 0.4.1
  • tmux version: tmux -V 2.9a

Nvm, the problem was that I did not have status-interval set

set -g status-interval 1

I had this issue, almost uninstalled it because of this. I experienced this on arch linux fresh install and also on OSX with tmux next 3.3
IMO this should be in the README asap