arkivanov / kotlin-parcelize-darwin

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Kotlin/Native compiler plugin generating Parcelable implementations for Darwin/Apple. Allows writing Parcelable classes for iOS (eventually for all Darwin targets, possibly), similary to the Android's kotlin-parcelize plugin. Can be used together with kotlin-parcelize plugin to write Parcelable classes in the commonMain source set.

It is working, but still work in progress.

Supported targets: iosX64, iosArm64.

Supported types:

  • All Kotlin primitive types
  • The String type
  • Parcelable classes
  • Collections: List, MutableList, Set, MutableSet, Map, MutableMap of all supported types


The plugin is not published yet, but can be used when published locally.

  1. Checkout the repository

  2. Run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

  3. In the root build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:kotlin-parcelize-darwin:0.1.0"
  1. In the project's build.gradle:
apply plugin: "kotlin-parcelize-darwin"

repositories {

kotlin {

    sourceSets {
        iosMain {
            dependencies {
                implementation "com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin:kotlin-parcelize-darwin-runtime:0.1.0"


The plugin works similary to the Android's kotlin-parcelize plugin.

The kotlin-parcelize-darwin-runtime module provides the following things:

Here is an example of some Parcelable classes:

data class User(
    val name: String,
    val age: Int
) : Parcelable

data class UserGroup(
    val users: List<User>
) : Parcelable

Encoding a Parcelable class using NSCoder:

import com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.runtime.encodeParcelable

fun encode(coder: NSCoder, user: User) {
    coder.encodeParcelable(value = user, key = "user")

Decoding a Parcelable class using NSCoder:

import com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.runtime.decodeParcelable

fun decode(coder: NSCoder) {
    val user: User? = coder.decodeParcelable(key = "user") as User?

Writing Parcelables in commonMain

The plugin can be used to write Parcelable classes in the commonMain source set:

  1. Define the following expectactions in the commonMain source set:
expect interface Parcelable

expect annotation class Parcelize()
  1. Define the following actuals in the androidMain source set (only needed if kotlin-parcelize plugin is used):
actual typealias Parcelable = android.os.Parcelable
actual typealias Parcelize = kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize
  1. Define the following actuals in the iosMain source set:
actual typealias Parcelable = com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.runtime.Parcelable
actual typealias Parcelize = com.arkivanov.parcelize.darwin.runtime.Parcelize
  1. Define the following actual for all other targets that do not support Parcelize:
actual interface Parcelable
// No need to define Parcelize, it is optional
  1. Make sure you have enabled the plugin as described in the Setup section

Now you should be able to use Parcelize feature as usual in the commonMain source set. The code will be automatically generated for Android and iOS, without affecting all other targets.


There is no proper IDE support at the moment. So Parcelable classes in the iosMain source set are highlighted as incomplete, but the code still compiles just fine. There are no IDE errors in the commonMain source set.

Tests as using examples

Some tests can be found here.


Twitter: @arkann1985

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Language:Kotlin 100.0%