ariya / from-zero-to-hero

"From Zero to Hero" Example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"From Zero to Hero" Example

This is a slightly modified Todo MVC sample app using React (initially created by @petehunt):

To run the app:

npm install
npm start

and then open a web browser pointing to http://localhost:9000.

Git Hooks

Create a simple pre-commit hook:

cat << EOF >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
npm run jscs

and make it executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Now try to edit a file, e.g. js/util.js, and violate its coding style. When you try to commit your change, Git will complain.

Code Complexity

Show the summary of code complexity (using JSComplexity):

npm run complexity

Code Coverage

Run the unit tests and track the code coverage:

npm run coverage

and open the file coverage/html/index.html for the coverage report.

For this repository, it is also tracked at

Evergreen Browser Tests

The unit tests are being executed with the latest Chrome and Firefox using AppVeyor (read more).

The example run is available at

Browser Compatibility Tests

The unit tests are being executed with a number of different web browsers using Sauce Labs.

Assuming that the username and access key are stored in the environment variable SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, Sauce Connect can be initiated as follow (on Linux):

wget -q
tar -xzf sc-4.3.11-linux.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/sc-4.3.11-linux/bin
sc -u $SAUCE_USERNAME -k $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY -f ~/sc_ready &
sleep 25
while [ ! -e ~/sc_ready ]; do sleep 5; done

and then run the tests with a special Karma configuration:

npm run saucelabs


"From Zero to Hero" Example



Language:JavaScript 94.1%Language:HTML 5.9%