aritra-tech / Notify

📝 Notify is a simple note application build to demonstrate the use of clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose and Material-3 guidelines along with some Modern Android development tools.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make the donation process easier (to support development)

serrq opened this issue · comments


Please add direct cryptocurrency addresses within the app. Easy tap and donate without leaving the app: I don't want going around to websites. I don't want support FIAT economy.

TRX, AVAX, LTC, BTC, XEC, BNB, SOL, BCH, ALGO, XTZ, DASH, FTM, XMR addresses available for donations (addresses have to be copyable).

Here two apps, as donate integration examples.



Okay, @serrq will look into it in the next release.
Thank you.