arialdomartini / oh-my-git

An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh

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Anitgen usage instructions are incorrect in ````

ortonomy opened this issue · comments

You use a hyphen in the antigen commands, which break and do not work. Should be:

How to install antigen

antigen is a plugin manager for zsh. Installing antigen is straightforward:

cd ~ && git clone .antigen 

Then, edit your .zshrc file including

source "$HOME/.antigen/antigen.zsh"

antigen use oh-my-zsh  // no hyphen needed
antigen bundle arialdomartini/oh-my-git // no hyphen needed
antigen theme arialdomartini/oh-my-git-themes oppa-lana-style

antigen apply // no hyphen needed

When you restart zsh, antigen will download and install all that's needed.

Ciao @ortonomy
Thank you for the warning, and sorry for the unbelievably long delay in my reply.
Yes, I'm going to fix this and update the documentation, if it causes problems in some boxes. antigen command is anyway prettier than antigen-command, so I'm following your advice.

Would you please anyway help me investigate?

I tried both on a macOs and a dockerized Ubuntu, and it seems that both the command versions exists. It seems that the command antigen delegates to hypened-version commands:

$which antigen
antigen () {
	local cmd="$1"
	if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]
		echo 'Antigen: Please give a command to run.' >&2
		return 1
	if functions "antigen-$cmd" > /dev/null
		"antigen-$cmd" "$@"
		echo "Antigen: Unknown command: $cmd" >&2

so I wonder in which cases running antigen-$cmd may cause problems.
Which OS, antigen and zsh version have you found there are issues with?

Great, I just discovered I was using a very old Antigen version.
With version 2.2.1 I was able to reproduce the issue. I'm definitely going to fix it.