argyleink / gui-challenges

Components from the YouTube show GUI Challenges: accessible, responsive, adaptive and cross browser components.

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Stories bug

vasilich6107 opened this issue · comments

Hi. I tried to implement the stories code from you challenge.
The initial stories implementation has a bug when we mix up the scroll and tap movement through the stories.

Example - tap till the end of the stories, than scroll back with mouse scroll then try to tap forward - nothing works.

i've implemented the solution to improve the gesture mix in react.
If you are accepting PRs I will adapt it to vanilla js code

/* eslint-disable react/style-prop-object */
import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import "./stories.css";

const storiesBreakpoints = {};

function Stories() {
  const storiesRef = useRef(null);

  const storiesMedian = useCallback(
    () => storiesRef.current.offsetLeft + storiesRef.current.clientWidth / 2,

  const [currentStory, setCurrentStory] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    for (let i = 0; i < storiesRef.current.children.length; i++) {
        storiesRef.current.children[i].offsetLeft -
      ] = i;
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const navigateStories = useCallback(
    (direction) => {
      if (currentStory === null) {

      let lastItemInUserStory;
      let nextUserStory;

      if (direction === "next") {
        lastItemInUserStory = currentStory.parentNode.firstElementChild;
        nextUserStory =
          currentStory.previousElementSibling ||
      } else if (direction === "prev") {
        lastItemInUserStory = currentStory.parentNode.lastElementChild;

        nextUserStory =
          currentStory.nextElementSibling ||

      if (lastItemInUserStory === currentStory && nextUserStory) {
          behavior: "smooth",
      } else if (nextUserStory) {
        (direction === "prev" ? nextUserStory : currentStory).classList.toggle(

      if (nextUserStory) {

  const storiesClick = useCallback(
    (e) => {
      if ( !== "ARTICLE") {

      navigateStories(e.clientX > storiesMedian() ? "next" : "prev");
    [navigateStories, storiesMedian]

  return (
        onScroll={(e) => {
          const currentUserIndex =
            storiesBreakpoints[] ?? null;

          let currentStory = null;

          if (currentUserIndex != null) {
            const userStories = Array.from(

            currentStory =
              userStories.findLast((e) => !e.classList.contains("seen")) ??

        <section className="user">
            className="story story1"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
            className="story story2"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
        <section className="user">
            className="story story3"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
        <section className="user">
            className="story story4"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
        <section className="user">
            className="story story5"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
            className="story story6"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}
            className="story story7"
            style={{ "--bg": "url(" }}

export default Stories;

nice, yes, the demo does have that issue 👍🏻 I never implemented a scroll observer that tried to determine the current snapped set and then reconciled the index. I see your onScroll handler there that does that work, rad.

i'd love to see a demo of the react component, your implementation looks worth sharing!

and yes, if you want to submit a PR with a vanilla js update that fixes that inconsistency in snapped item and the tap snap index, that'd be grrrreat!