argosopentech / argos-translate

Open-source offline translation library written in Python

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WARNING: Language de package default expects mwt, which has been added

milahu opened this issue · comments

im using argos-translate-html like in the example code

import argostranslate.package, argostranslate.translate
import translatehtml

from_code = "de"
to_code = "en"

with open("input.html", "r") as f:
    html_doc =

# Translate
installed_languages = argostranslate.translate.get_installed_languages()
from_lang = list(filter(lambda x: x.code == from_code, installed_languages))[0]
to_lang = list(filter(lambda x: x.code == to_code, installed_languages))[0]

translation = from_lang.get_translation(to_lang)

# this produces the warnings
translated_soup = translatehtml.translate_html(translation, html_doc)


running the code floods my terminal with

WARNING: Language de package default expects mwt, which has been added

how can i add mwt to avoid these warnings?

the warnings are produced by stanza

logger = logging.getLogger('stanza')

        logger.warning("Language %s package %s expects mwt, which has been added", lang, value)


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

import argostranslate.translate

# hide warnings: "Language %s package %s expects mwt, which has been added"
import logging
#logging.getLogger("stanza").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # no effect
logging.getLogger("stanza").disabled = True

input_text =
from_code = sys.argv[1]
to_code = sys.argv[2]

translated_text = argostranslate.translate.translate(input_text, from_code, to_code)
