argoproj / argo-workflows

Workflow Engine for Kubernetes

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GODEBUG should not be sent in pod create

tooptoop4 opened this issue · comments


  • I have double-checked my configuration
  • I have tested with the :latest image tag (i.e. and can confirm the issue still exists on :latest. If not, I have explained why, in detail, in my description below.
  • I have searched existing issues and could not find a match for this bug
  • I'd like to contribute the fix myself (see contributing guide)

What happened/what did you expect to happen?

looking at k8s audit server logs for pod creation it shows many things, including below snippet

         "command": [
          "env": [
              "name": "ARGO_POD_NAME",
              "valueFrom": {
                "fieldRef": {
                  "apiVersion": "v1",
                  "fieldPath": ""
              "name": "ARGO_POD_UID",
              "valueFrom": {
                "fieldRef": {
                  "apiVersion": "v1",
                  "fieldPath": "metadata.uid"
              "name": "GODEBUG",
              "value": "x509ignoreCN=0"
              "name": "ARGO_WORKFLOW_NAME",

GODEBUG variable seems useless but consumes space in etcd



Paste a small workflow that reproduces the issue. We must be able to run the workflow; don't enter a workflows that uses private images.


Logs from the workflow controller

kubectl logs -n argo deploy/workflow-controller | grep ${workflow}

Logs from in your workflow's wait container

kubectl logs -n argo -c wait -l${workflow},!=Succeeded

GODEBUG variable seems useless but consumes space in etcd

It had a use-case in the past. I already removed it in #12610, it just hasn't been backported given that it's not a fix.

  • I have tested with the :latest image tag (i.e. and can confirm the issue still exists on :latest. If not, I have explained why, in detail, in my description below.



Based on the above, it sounds like you didn't use :latest. Please fill out the issue template accurately, the checklist is there for a reason