argoproj-labs / argocd-operator

A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.

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Upgrade to argocd-operator:v0.7.0 breaks login with openshift/okd

alexanderbystrom opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
After upgrading to v0.7.0 the login with openshift button stopped working.

The dex-server logs the following errors:

time="2023-09-11T22:55:19Z" level=warning msg="config referenced '$oidc.dex.clientSecret', but key does not exist in secret"
time="2023-09-11T22:55:33Z" level=error msg="Failed to authenticate: oidc: failed to get token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: {\"error\":\"unauthorized_client\",\"error_description\":\"The client is not authorized to request a token using this method.\"}\n"

The oauth-openshift pod logs the following error:

E0911 22:50:28.920617 1 access.go:177] osin: error=unauthorized_client, internal_error=<nil> get_client=client check failed, client_id=system:serviceaccount:ns-argocd:app-argocd-argocd-dex-server
E0911 22:51:57.314413 1 access.go:177] osin: error=server_error, internal_error=&errors.errorString{s:"invalid resource name \"system%3Aserviceaccount%3Ans-argocd%3Aapp-argocd-argocd-dex-server\": [may not contain '%']"} get_client=error finding client
E0911 22:51:57.314564 1 osinserver.go:111] internal error: invalid resource name "system%3Aserviceaccount%3Ans-argocd%3Aapp-argocd-argocd-dex-server": [may not contain '%']

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update operator to v0.7.0

Expected behavior
The login to work without changes needed.