argmaxinc / WhisperKit

On-device Inference of Whisper Speech Recognition Models for Apple Silicon

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Early stopping checks for CLI

ZachNagengast opened this issue · comments

Similar to the example app, we should bring over the options for early stopping and add CLI arguments for setting them.

// Early stopping checks
let decodingCallback: ((TranscriptionProgress) -> Bool?) = { progress in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let fallbacks = Int(progress.timings.totalDecodingFallbacks)
if progress.text.count < currentText.count {
if fallbacks == self.currentFallbacks {
} else {
print("Fallback occured: \(fallbacks)")
self.currentText = progress.text
self.currentFallbacks = fallbacks
// Check early stopping
let currentTokens = progress.tokens
let checkWindow = Int(compressionCheckWindow)
if currentTokens.count > checkWindow {
let checkTokens: [Int] = currentTokens.suffix(checkWindow)
let compressionRatio = compressionRatio(of: checkTokens)
if compressionRatio > options.compressionRatioThreshold! {
return false
if progress.avgLogprob! < options.logProbThreshold! {
return false
return nil

Indeed, we will aim for parity between the WhisperAX sample app and the CLI before the stable release.