arghya17 / Movie_recommender

A Movie recommender website based on neural search built using jina

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Movie recommender website based on neural search built using jina as backend and streamlit as frontend
Original issue here
Dataset from this site. Movies are updated upto year 2018


Search for movie recommendation using any keyword

Tech used?

Backend: Jina
Frontend: Streamlit

How to use?

Clone the repository in the local machine

  • Create a new virtual environment in python
python -m venv movie

Switch to the new virtual environment

source movie/bin/activate

Download the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the backend that is the server:

python -u backend/

Lauch the frontend, in another terminal:

streamlit run

Upon executing the above commands a local host will be launched in your default browser or else head over to http://localhost:8501 to search your favorite movies for watchlist.

Few things to note:

  • Jina works best in linux and Mac os. Please configure for windows from jina website
  • After running the program once an workspace folder will be created. Note before running the program again delete the workspace folder
  • If you want to update movies only change DocumentArray in
  • During add new dataset to the code please change the value in frontend if all the attributes of movie are not present in the dataset


A Movie recommender website based on neural search built using jina

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%