argenos / nldates-obsidian

Work with dates in natural language in Obsidian

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Feature Request: Week (and month) notes format

b1uegh0st opened this issue · comments


Thanks for the great plugin. I would like to suggest an option to parse @this week @next week into proper link to weekly notes (not everyone use this concept, but many do, I think).

More specific:

  • I have weekly and monthly notes.
  • The format is configured in Periodic Notes plugin. For me I use gggg-[W]ww for weekly notes.
  • Everytime I type @next week, I would think about linking it to the next week's note.
  • So I have there is an option to define that for parsing in nldates.

I also understand that not everyone will need this concept, so a fall back to default will be needed.

Hope to see this in your future updates of the plugin.


Thanks for this convenient plugin. I was about to write a same issue for the same feature!

I would suggest to implement this option based on Periodic Notes plugin. Namely, there is a "Format" value to fill to have the expected file name format.
For example: Weekly Notes have default format gggg-[W]ww in order create weekly note such as 2022-W13.

So, this parsing option for week and month notes can be done by replacing the first day of the month ( or week) when using @this month (respectively @this week) by the according note reference. The "Format" reference could be set in Options of Natural Language Dates plugin in order to match Periodic Notes Format ( or any other plugins that have this feature that I'm not aware of).

Thanks again for your time and effort writing this plugin. It's highly appreciated.

Here's my suggestion for naming the triggers to avoid the confusion with last week, this week and next week

Previous week 
Current week
Following week

I would love this feature. When typing @this week I would much rather it link to my weekly note than the first daily note for that week.


Came to request the same thing. Would dearly love to link my weekly and monthly notes using your super convenient plugin!

came to support this request, would be fantastic if possible. thank you so much for your plugin!

I've opened #102 which adds support for week formats, in the form of a 'week:' prefix which can be applied to any date specifier, based on the already existing implementation of time: prefix.

When "Add dates as link" is enabled, weekly links are created.


@gillesgagniard I saw that you have an updated PR at #107 but since it doesn’t look like it’s going to be merged, I wonder what the best way would be to get this feature. Should I just use your repo or what would you recommend?

#93 (comment) Yes! Hope this could support more peridic notes!
I would like to open weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly note better than a date in a week/month/quarter/year.

And hope this would support advanced uri, too! Like obsidian://nldates?day=this-week and more!

This would be great, it might require some configuration, specially for defining the format for week date (I like the 2024-W12 format, but it's far from being universal), but I link the ideal to link to a given week, and not just the first day of the week.