argenos / nldates-obsidian

Work with dates in natural language in Obsidian

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

More options for Auto suggest

t3mujin opened this issue · comments

The natural language parse options are really neat, but what I end up using more is Auto Suggest, because with just a couple of key strokes I can quickly insert a date.

But thing that limits me is having few options for that, Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow isn't very flexible, and a few more would be very helpful. Even better: allowing to configure more in the configuration, so someone can and the ones that make sense (in two days, this friday, in tree week, whatever).

btw, I know I can type the date to be parsed, what I'm talking about is the default items that appear when clicking "@", from a perspective of wanting to have more options without needing to type the date.