argenos / nldates-obsidian

Work with dates in natural language in Obsidian

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hotkeys for inserting current date do not add dates as wikilinks

jasht1 opened this issue · comments


Thank you very much for this plugin, It is a fantastic time saver!

I use the "Natural Language Dates: insert current date and time" hotkey to timestamp a lot of my work, but would like the ability to chose to add the date as a wiki link by default.
Especially if "add dates as links" is enabled for the rest of the plugin's functionality.
Though perhaps an even more powerful solution would be to have the custom format option support additional syntax like link brackets as currently it behaves like this when wikilink brackets are added:
Perhaps also have a way to customise the format for 'date & time' like is possible to do with 'date' and 'time' individually.

A work around for this is adding \[\[ before and \]\] after in the date formatting section in the settings like so : \[\[YYYY-MM-DD\]\]
Though you should then disable the "Add dates as link?" option else you will get 4 sets of square brackets whenever you insert a date any other way.