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Restart for 2019

pythoneer opened this issue · comments

I am currently preparing a Blogpost for the Rust2019 community blog call out. Things have a little died out – but we should consider a restart :)


Yes, haha! This has been on my mind.

I also enjoyed your post. I think you hit all the best points. Having at least one really great Rust GUI framework would be a game changer for the language.

Let me know if you have other thoughts!

Thanks, this is just a sketch in its current form but i want to work on it till the end of the year and release it. I am in contact with some of the toolkit maintainers and trying to convince them to also release some 'end of the year' blogposts, to drive some attention. I am a terrible web person and really want your great site to get in shape. How far is the "content creation" workflow? It would be cool if we could have some of the major frameworks covered, i don't think we need to be exhaustive in the beginning, but to have like 2-3 major frameworks (if available) in its category would be cool. Do you think we could have a traditional "blog" section to release the "#Rust2019" Blogpost? I think at this stage we could easily "merge" and i would redirect my stale domain. Could you make me a member of the areweguiyet organisation? I think i could close my "personal" areweguiyet project in favor of this.


I added you as a member of the areweguiyet org and the repo. My goal is to set it up so that we can both approve PRs.

The content creation workflow is not very far along yet. I am looking at using the structopt/clap crates to help with the CLI. I will work on it this week!

The goal: When people want to submit a crate: They clone the repo, run a command, and open a PR, (or they can open an issue and suggest a crate to be added, and someone else can open a PR).

The blog: See [the newsfeed]( I will add support for hosting blog posts on areweguiyet, then we can list the #Rust2019 post right there. The home page will display the 3 most recent posts, and another /newsfeed page will display all of them.

The wiki: You may be able to clone your wiki from your repo (if you want to) and then push it to the wiki for this repo, but I have never used github wikis before.

Let me know if you have questions or there are any issues!


@pythoneer Almost ready!

I am using clap for making the CLI. Right now it only has the publish command, which generates the HTML. The work flow looks like this:

git clone [areweguiyet git url]
cd areweguiyet/cli
cargo run -- publish

The next step is to add a command for adding a new crate, to help guarantee that the ecosystem.json is correct. The CLI will also display what information that is already available on and make sure that the AreWeGuiYet repo doesn't duplicate information from

I broke the alphabetical sorting on the main web page; I will fix that. After finishing the CLI, I want to add a search bar and filtering by tags to the main webpage.

I am currently working off of a fork: I will open a PR here when I finish the CLI.


Opened a PR, #7, which adds the framework command for adding frameworks!