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Doesn’t check that imports inside the package work

jedwards1211 opened this issue · comments

When I check antlr@4.12.0 it appears to show that everything is okay, and I can use that package with node module resolution. But when I try to use that package with nodenext module resolution, I get errors like Module '"antlr4"' has no exported member 'CommonTokenStream'.

CommonTokenStream shows up in the node16-esm resolutions on arethetypeswrong so it seems like it may not be matching the behavior of tsc 5.0.3. That or maybe there's a bug in tsc? The docs don't make it very clear what I should expect tsc to do in this case.

I haven't figured out what I would need to change in a PR to antlr4 but I've been asking around. In addition to needing better package authoring guidance from the docs, it would be good if arethetypeswrong catches problems like this.

Not every problem is a module resolution / kind detection problem, and this doesn’t really try to go beyond module resolution at this point. What code is giving you an error?

@andrewbranch just this import in test.ts:

import { CharStream, CommonTokenStream }  from 'antlr4';

I have "type": "module" in my package.json and my tsconfig.json has:

  "include": ["test.ts"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ESNext",
    "module": "nodenext",
    "moduleResolution": "nodenext",
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "strict": false,
    "skipLibCheck": true

Okay I had a wise idea, I figured out how to enable module resolution tracing and I think I figured out the problem:

======== Resolving module './CharStreams' from '/Users/andy/antlr/node_modules/antlr4/src/antlr4/index.d.ts'. ========
Explicitly specified module resolution kind: 'NodeNext'.
Resolving in ESM mode with conditions 'import', 'types', 'node'.
Loading module as file / folder, candidate module location '/Users/andy/antlr/node_modules/antlr4/src/antlr4/CharStreams', target file types: TypeScript, JavaScript, Declaration.
Directory '/Users/andy/antlr/node_modules/antlr4/src/antlr4/CharStreams' does not exist, skipping all lookups in it.
======== Module name './CharStreams' was not resolved. ========

node_modules/antlr4/src/antlr4/CharStreams.d.ts does exist but the export from statement omits the file extension.

The problem is the .d.ts files in the package don't have file extensions on imports right? I wonder if this is something arethetypeswrong could catch?

Ouch, yes indeed. Yeah, this kind of check is definitely on my radar. So far, none of the checks use the type checker, so things are pretty fast. This kind of analysis is basically just running tsc on the output, which will take a bit longer, but I think is worth it. Nice find!

Ugh I would have caught the issue sooner if tsc --init didn't set "skipLibCheck": true by default... when I turned that off I got this error

node_modules/antlr4/src/antlr4/index.d.ts:19:15 - error TS2834: Relative import paths need explicit file extensions in EcmaScript imports when '--moduleResolution' is 'node16' or 'nodenext'. Consider adding an extension to the import path.

19 export * from './error';

I would likewise to see nodenext support. For example, I'm troubleshooting GoogleCloudPlatform/functions-framework-nodejs#521 and testing this against @google-cloud/functions-framework@3.2.0 would be useful, though I don't know for sure if this tool would be able to help me troubleshoot the problem even if it supported nodenext.

node16 === nodenext right now.

Thank you, I didn't realize that. It's all green checkmarks on that package so I guess it's back to the drawing board for me.

It's a great tool, thank you for building it.

I think the issue you’re having is kind of visible in the tool by what’s not there. "@google-cloud/functions-framework" and "@google-cloud/functions-framework/testing" show up as entrypoints, which indicates that there was a package.json "exports" and it didn’t include anything besides those two. The presence of "exports" explicitly prohibits importing subpaths outside of the ones listed in it. So a deep import like @google-cloud/functions-framework/build/src/functions cannot work. It’s not exposed by the package.

You also say in the issue that

This error can be resolved by changing moduleResolution to node instead of nodenext

But be aware that this is Node’s rule, not TypeScript’s, so if you were dealing with runtime imports rather than type-only ones, you would be getting rid of a compile-time error, but would crash at runtime.

I really appreciate your expertise here. Thank you for shedding some light on the problem even though it's off-topic from what the original poster asked about.

If I can ask you for your expert opinion, what do you think is the right way to resolve the issue I described so that I would be able to do a deep import? There are many types defined within the recesses of the package that I'd like to be able to access. With a little guidance I would be able to open a PR against the repo to try to encourage some progress from the Google team.

I think it’s usually good for packages to block arbitrary deep imports, because it lets them define boundaries on their public API, and moving a file that’s supposed to be considered internal doesn’t need to be a breaking change. If those files contain types that are useful, the libraries just need to ensure those types get exported from one of the public API entrypoints.

Great answer, thank you.