arendvw / ScriptParasite

A component that allows editting of C# definitions in external editors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

.net famework version in GrasshopperScripts.csproj file

ZacZhangzhuo opened this issue · comments

Terminal Error Code : Error: The primary reference "Grasshopper" could not be resolved because it has an indirect dependency on the assembly "RhinoCommon, Version=7.13.21299.17001, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=552281e97c755530" which was built against the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.8" framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2".

Notice that I have had.NETFramework 4.8 in my PC, I can not install v4.5.2 as the installer cannot do that. I so changed GrasshopperScripts.csproj line:
it works for me, but I have to change every time. Hope this .NETFramework issue can be fixed. Thank you.

Hi Zac, Thanks a lot for opening this issue. Attached is a version of scriptparasite built against framework 4.8. Where do you get this issue? (Do you have a screenshot?)

I've been trying to accomplish maximum backwards compatibility; but it might be needed to break this at some point. Do you mean by "Change it every time", every time that a new script parasite version is released?

Hi, thanks for your reply.

It worked well on me days ago but now I got this error. I think the reason is I downloaded a later .NET framework or something. I got this error in my VSCode terminal, then VSCode cannot sense all the namespaces of Rhino or GH.

"Change it every time" I mean every time I create a new C# component and Scriptparasite, the .net version in .csproj would be net452 by default and I have to change manually.

I think you may add some code the sense the .net version on the PC or something.

Ah check. I think Rhino 6 and 7 are build against dotnet 4.8; but I'm not sure on if this would also work on mac osx. Thanks for the report; I need a bit of time to check out and resolve this issue.

Thanks! we look forward to