arei / node-untappd

NodeJS API for Untappd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Change: /checkin/recent requires ACCESS_TOKEN instead of CLIENT_ID/SECRET pair

stephenyeargin opened this issue · comments

Looks like they've changed the friend feed (and possibly others) to require the ACCESS_TOKEN parameter instead of a combination of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

{ host: '',
  port: 443,
  path: '/v4/checkin/recent?limit=10&client_id=<secret>&client_secret=<secret>',
  method: 'GET' }
{ limit: 10,
  client_id: '<secret>',
  client_secret: '<secret>' }
node-untappd: data:  191
node-untappd: end:  0
[Thu Aug 10 2017 09:34:26 GMT-0500 (CDT)] ERROR { meta: 
   { code: 500,
     error_detail: 'This method requires authentication.',
     error_type: 'invalid_auth',
     developer_friendly: '',
     response_time: { time: 0.01, measure: 'seconds' } },
  response: [] }
500: This method requires authentication.

Nevermind, different issue.