What is the difference between u8FirmwareMajor and u8DriverMajor?
koulombus opened this issue · comments
Koulombus commented
With my arduino sketch I can flash the ATWINC1500 from my SD Card.
- Get version info from wifi (e.g. 19.5.2)
- Get firmware info from my server (19.5.4)
- download firmware from my server.
- set ATWINC1500 to download mode
- erase flash
- Write to flash
When I check now after flashing, I get -Err-
I restart the arduino and all is fine, version is 19.5.4.
In wifi.cpp I found following code:
if (rev.u8FirmwareMajor != rev.u8DriverMajor && rev.u8FirmwareMinor != rev.u8DriverMinor) {
sprintf(_version, "-Err-");
else {
sprintf(_version, "%d.%d.%d", rev.u8FirmwareMajor, rev.u8FirmwareMinor, rev.u8FirmwarePatch);
What is the difference between u8FirmwareMajor and u8DriverMajor?
How can I check the firmware version directly after flashing the new software?
Sandeep Mistry commented
Hi @cawena, I suggest you contact Microchip/Atmel support to get an answer for this.