arduino-libraries / ArduinoIoTCloud

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Include the capability to send messages from the modules to the messenger dashboard

delcioDEV opened this issue · comments

it would be great if the modulos can send pre defined maeeges to the messenger box on the dash

@delcioDEV can you please explain better what do you mean?

let me show you,
imagine if you could send pre written message from esp32 to remote iot app dashboard messenger

@delcioDEV can you please post the link content directly on github?

if we just have a way to send string to the messenger would be great
we can send comands, recieve logs alert, states alerts, etc

Is possible to send messages from the board to the widget and back from the widget to the board. have you seen this?

@pennam thkns man preciate that, i colud not find any documentation at all

Hi @delcioDEV. Did you see this documentation:

If you did see it, do you have any feedback about what was unclear about it?

If you didn't see it, do you think it would have been sufficient to allow you to understand how to accomplish your goal of "send messages from the modules to the messenger dashboard"?

@per1234 thanks a lot, no, I hadn't, there is no reference to the documentation nor concrete examples for each widget on library exemples, it helped a lot, now I can proceed without further ado

@per1234 @pennam just wondering if i cloud do something like this

String currentUser = ArduinoCloud.getProperty("user").getValue();

@delcioDEV CloudString property has not the getValue() method.

@delcioDEV i'll close this because it looks like your problem is solved.