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ArduinoIoTCloud and ESPAsync_WiFiManager are not compatible.

kirk-clendinning opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When trying to use an access point provided by ESPAsync_WiFiManager with the ArduinoIoTCloud functionality in the same Sketch, simply adding #include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h> to an ESPAsync_WiFiManager example project causes the access point web server to hang. This issue has been filed against ESPAsync_WiFiManager as well.

Steps to Reproduce

Add #include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h> to an ESPAsync_WiFiManager example. When the AP is accessed, the web server hangs.

Expected behavior

I expected to be able to use ESPAsync_WiFiManager to maintain a wifi connection, and when the connection was active, use ArduinoIoTCloud to control an ESP8266 node.

Actual behavior

When the Captive Portal is accessed by a web browser, the web server hangs and a blank page results.

Debug and AT-command log (if applicable)

It appears that the page is rendered correctly, but the web server hangs when it is served.


It's a blank page.


Take any ESPAsync_WifiManager example and put the header #include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h> into the .ino and the captive web page will hang.

Please ensure to specify the following:

Arduino IDE version 1.8.15
ESP8266 D1 mini
Contextual information (e.g. what you were trying to achieve): I'd like to have the WiFi configuration provided by ESPAsync_WifiManager keep the ESP8266 connected so that I can use the Arduino IoT Cloud to control the device. So to start with I set up a ESPAsync_WiFiManager project and simply put the ArduinoIoTCloud header into the project.
Simplest possible steps to reproduce:
Steps to reproduce:

Get the most recent ArduinoIoTCloud and ESPAsync_WiFiManager libraries.
Set up an ESPAsync_WifiManager manager project such as Async_AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED
add #include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h> to the project.
It will compile, load to the ESP8266 and run.
When you try to connect to the Captured Portal, the browser will connect, the correct content appears to be delivered by viewing the source in the browser's development mode, but the page will be blank.

If NTP config is enabled in the ESPAsync_WifiManager, the captured portal web page does not render. So this comment is also advisable when using ArduinoloTCloud with ESPAsync_WiFiManager.

// Use false to disable NTP config. Advisable when using Cellphone, Tablet to access Config Portal.
// See Issue 23: On Android phone ConfigPortal is unresponsive (khoih-prog/ESP_WiFiManager#23)