ardatan / graphql-mesh

πŸ•ΈοΈ GraphQL Mesh - The Graph of Everything - Federated architecture for any API service

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gRPC reflection doesn't work for one endpoint handling multiple services

mr-nagashima opened this issue Β· comments

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  • 2. A failing test has been provided
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Describe the bug

The backend's gRPC API provides nine services.

I wrote the .meshrc.yaml below.


  - name: Backend
        endpoint: backend:3000

And when I started GraphQL Mesh in dev mode, I got an error at the end.

$ mesh dev
Mesh - Server πŸ’‘ Starting GraphQL Mesh...
Mesh - Server πŸ’‘ Serving GraphQL Mesh:
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Getting stored root and decoded descriptor set objects
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Building Roots
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Using the reflection
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Creating gRPC Reflection Client
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: greet.v1.GreetService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: cancellation.v1.CancellationService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: supplier.v1.SupplierService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: depot.v1.DepotService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: warehouse.v1.WarehouseService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: office.v1.OfficeService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: company.v1.CompanyService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: plan.v1.PlanService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Resolving root of Service: room.v1.RoomService from the reflection response
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Building the schema structure based on the root object
Mesh - Backend - Root0 πŸ› Visiting .nested[greet]
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Building the schema structure based on the root object
Mesh - Backend - Root8 πŸ› Visiting .nested[google]
Mesh - Backend πŸ› Building the final GraphQL Schema
Mesh - Backend - Root8 πŸ› Creating service client for package definition
Mesh - Backend πŸ’₯ Failed to generate the schema for the source "Backend"
Invalid value used as weak map key
Mesh HTTP πŸ’₯ Error: Schemas couldn't be generated successfully. Check for the logs by running Mesh.
    at getMesh (/app/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/runtime/cjs/get-mesh.js:124:15)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

I think that the reflection has been loaded, the above error occurs at the very end.
What does "Invalid value used as weak map key" indicate?

I would appreciate it if you could tell me the solution.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior

Start normally


  • OS: macOS 14.4.1
  • @graphql-mesh/...:
  • NodeJS: 20

Additional context