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`@omnigraph/openapi`: OpenAPI array values not converted correctly into GraphQL

dennisameling opened this issue · comments

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Describe the bug

When converting a OpenAPI spec to GraphQL, the array values may be empty in the GraphQL spec. Here's an example from my repo:

type Query {
  """Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings"""
  findPetsByStatus(status: queryInput_findPetsByStatus_status = available): [Pet]

  Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
    """Tags to filter by"""
    tags: [String]
  ): [Pet]

I'd expect [Pet] to be [Pet!] (note that I explicitly mean [Pet!] and not [Pet]!). When an array is provided, all of its values will be of the expected type. AFAIK, this is always how OpenAPI behaves (e.g. when converting an OpenAPI spec to TypeScript), but please correct me if I'm wrong.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

GitHub repo:

git clone
cd omnigraph-openapi-array-bug
npm install
node index.js

The return array type of queries like findPetsByStatus and findPetsByTags is [Pet] instead of [Pet!].

Expected behavior

I expect the return type [Pet] to be [Pet!] instead.


  • OS: macOS 14..3.1
  • @graphql-mesh/...: N/A (using @omnigraph/openapi 0.99.0)
  • NodeJS: v18.19.0

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