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Nullability is handled differently based on source for OpenApi swaggers

nathanbrachotte opened this issue · comments


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  • 2. A failing test has been provided
  • 3. A local solution has been provided
  • 4. A pull request is pending review

Describe the bug

The output for the exact same openApi Swagger definition (in yml) differs whether it is fetched from an endpoint or read locally by graphql-mesh.
Basically afaics, this issue #2627 still occurs when fetching the swagger

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

I cannot provide a reproduction as our endpoints aren't public, and you need both a hosted and local version of the same file.
Sorry about that :/ Feel free to suggest a way I can help with that.

Expected behavior

Outputted schema to handle nullable: true correctly when schema is fetched from a URL

type User {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  imageUrl: String

But the result we get atm is:

type User {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  imageUrl: String!


  • OS: MacOS 14.1.1 (23B81)
  • "@graphql-mesh/openapi": "^0.98.0":
  • NodeJS:

Additional context

I tried to curl the schema manually, then add the file locally and generate. I then got the expected result.

Thanks for creating the issue but if you help us to reproduce it, we can help you better.


Hey there, turns out the issue is somewhere else. Still investigating.
Closing the issue for now and I'll open a new one if I manage to identify where the issue is coming from.